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Matched Page 13
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Page 13
"Oh, all right," she says and waves her hand. "I'll zip my lips, but don't make me wait too long."
"I hope it won't be too long, but that's up to India."
We say goodnight and I leave, enjoying the friendly and casual relationship I have with my staff. It’s only possible because they are truly professional in the office and I know I can reply on them to do the work and do it right.
I return to my apartment and take off my clothes, then pace around like a caged lion, feeling like I want India here right now so I can calm down and get some sleep after a good fuck. I want her in my bed. I want to wake up with her beside me.
I'll be sleeping alone at least until Saturday.
It's going to be a long night.
The next day goes fast, and it's almost eight when I finally leave work and go home for a quick shower.
MARINA: Are you coming tonight? I have your next match coming by at around nine to meet you. I think she's right up your alley.
JON: Yes, I said I would. I'll be there. Just remember my terms – if I don’t want to go on a date with her, no harm, no foul. I'll meet her and give her a chance to wow me but after that, it's entirely up to me.
MARINA: And her, of course. She may not like you when she meets you, but we won't know that until you two meet. See you at nine.
JON: I'll be there.
I dress in something a little classier and check myself out in the mirror. I look presentable. I know India likes this suit and the shirt-tie combination, since she picked it out for me once when we were in New York for a conference and my suitcase had been lost in transit. The suit is black, and the shirt white, the tie a deep blue. India says it plays off the color of my eyes. The way she looked at me when I put it on in the store said all I needed to know. It passed muster.
I take my SUV and drive to Marina's place, parking on the street for a quick escape if I want to make one, and walk into her house. The sky is dark, and the interior of her house is lit up with a warm yellow light. Music wafts to me as I walk up the path to her door. I enter, checking the place out to see who's there. I see a few of Pacifica’s staff, and a bunch of people I don’t know. After saying hello to my staff and giving them the reminder not to talk about India and me, I'm accosted by a smiling Marina who has a pretty blonde woman in tow. That's apparently my date.
In any other circumstances, I'd be licking my lips when I see her and realize she's there for me, but now? Now, I feel deflated.
Yeah, she's attractive. Tall, built, a real blonde, perfect teeth, and perfect breasts underneath a silky dress.
"Jon," Marina says, her voice carrying across the room. "There you are!"
She pulls my date across the room and stands her in front of my like she's a specimen rather than a person.
"Here she is," Marina says, her eyebrows wagging in this ridiculous way. "MATCHED's latest match for you. Jon, this is Cindy. Cindy, this is Jon. You already read his profile. You two are almost a perfect match. Please – enjoy each other! I have to go and take care of business."
She smiles at the two of us, and then leaves, and it's then I see India walk in from the patio. She looks fantastic, dressed in this amazing black dress with thin straps that shows all her curves in a sexy but not too trashy way. Her dress is to her knee, and she's wearing my favorite strappy sandals that play off her shapely calves.
God, she's a sight for sore eyes.
I smile at her, forgetting Cindy for a moment, and she sees me, but she's not smiling back. Behind her is a tall dark bearded guy wearing a very fashionable suit. He takes her arm and leans in to say something to her over the sound of the music, which is a touch too loud.
I hate him.
Instantly, I want to go over there and plow him one in his handsome face. Yeah, I can recognize a handsome man when I see one. I'm secure in my sexuality. This guy is definitely debonair, in a Clark Gable kind of way. Dark eyes, neatly trimmed beard, taller than India by a foot at least, well-dressed, hair slicked back and a bit longer.
He whispers in her ear and the two of them laugh, and India glances surreptitiously in my direction.
She thinks he's funny.
She likes men with a sense of humor.
My fists clench without me thinking and so I take in a deep breath and try to talk myself down a few notches.
She's doing this for Marina's sake, as I am. So, I turn to Cindy, or whoever she is, and try to make polite conversation.
"So, Cindy, tell me about you. What do you do for a living?"
I watch her as she talks about herself, trying to focus, but all the time, my mind is thinking of India and her date and whether she thinks he's a better match for her than I am.
I know Marina thinks so.
Cindy is in banking, working as a teller at a local branch in downtown SF. She took a securities course and would like to be an investment advisor at her bank eventually. She's well-spoken and attractive, and if I didn’t want India, I'd be happy to give Cindy a roll in the hay. I might even consider a second round, if she was particularly adventurous in the hay-rolling department.
But all I can think of is whether India likes her match.
They're laughing together at something he says. He seems like a real joker. He's leaning in closer to India, their eyes locked together, and I feel like I have to go over and interrupt, fill him in that India is not his.
Of course, I can’t do that because she's technically not mine either.
If she was, we wouldn't be at this party pretending to be interested in Marina's dates for us.
"What about you?" Cindy asks, and I have to pull myself back into the moment.
"I'm the CEO of a tech firm."
"I know that," she says. "Marina showed me your bio. Tell me more about you – personally. I already know the C.V."
I frown, and try to make conversation but I can't help but glance quickly at India and see that she's alone while Mr. Tall, Dark, and Loathsome goes to get her a drink at the bar, which is set up in the corner of the room.
"Can you excuse me for a moment?" I say to Cindy, who nods and says sure.
I make my way over to where India is standing and she frowns when she sees me coming.
"Hey," I say and lean in closer. I want to kiss her – kiss her in front of everyone and let them know she's mine – but of course, I don't.
I can't.
"Jon," she says, her voice miffed. "You should be with your date."
"I wanted to say hi. Can't a guy say hi to his business partner?"
Her brow is furrowed. "I know what you're doing. Go and play nice with your date."
I exhale heavily. "This is ridiculous, India. We should be together, not with other people. I don't like putting on a charade like this. You should just tell Marina her app needs to be fixed and get it over with."
"I can't and you know it. After tonight, we'll come clean, but tonight, just go along with it, okay?"
She gives me this pleading look that I can't resist and so I nod.
"Okay, but I expect fun and games when we get back to my place. Fun and games."
"You'll get them, now go," she says and pushes me lightly on the arm. I see that Mr. Loathsome is on his way back, carrying two drinks. He sees me and raises his eyebrows as if he doesn’t like the fact that his date is talking intimately with another man.
Tough luck, buddy. She's fucking well mine.
"Hello," Mr. Loathsome says, handing a drink to India. "You're the business partner, right? Jon Thorson?"
"That's right," I say, certain that he put emphasis on business, like he wants to accentuate that I am not a romantic partner, but maybe that's me being slightly paranoid. I wouldn't put it past myself, the way I'm feeling, seeing India with a really handsome man.
"Who are you and what do you do for a living?"
"Jon, you have a date to talk to," India says and gives me the evil eye.
Mr. Loathsome smiles. "John McMaster. I'm a portfolio manager and angel invest
or. When I'm not doing that, I surf, snowboard, and base jump."
"Ahh," I say, hating him even more. "That's something we share in common."
"You base jump?" he asks, like he's the only rich alpha in the world who likes the adrenaline rush.
"I do. Spent time in Argentina and Chile. Also skydive when I can get a chance."
Mr. Loathsome nods, sizing me up. I think he realizes I feel possessive towards India and is now going to bring out the big guns. "I love to jump."
"I jumped with the 75th Ranger Regiment."
He nods even more meaningfully at that, realizing now that I'm a veteran as well as being a very rich business owner. "I was with the 507th, Bravo Company during my service," he replies.
"Jon, your date is waiting for you," India says, her eyes wide, her voice frustrated.
"Oh, yeah," I say, feeling guilty for being such a terrible date, but needing to check out this guy before I can relax.
Now, I can't relax.
He's like me, except dark-haired and -eyed. Former military. Investments. Adrenaline junkie.
"See you later," I say and point at India.
Then I return to Cindy and feel like I've scored a point, but it feels hollow. Even though I hate his guts, I realize that India should be with someone like Mr. Loathsome. He's smart, successful, good looking. He probably looks at India and sees an amazing catch – someone he could use both as arm candy and maybe even a wife he could show off to all his banker buddies. He probably is one of those guys who's ready to settle down and wants to find his wife. I imagine India in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle with him and it makes my gut knot.
I talk to Cindy about her job and her aspirations. She's definitely hot, and most men would be happy to have her as a lover. She's not the dip that Marina matched me with the last time, but she's about as interesting as yesterday's newspaper. I've been there and done that with a number of women just like Cindy. They're looking for a rich husband so they can work less and spend more time at the spa.
I don't want to be someone's conquest.
I can practically see the dollar signs in her eyes when I tell her about Pacifica and our current round of contract negotiations with the US military.
India isn’t like that. She's on my level. She's as ambitious as me. She wants to run her own show and make a real contribution in life. She wants to make a difference and build something that will last.
She is my equal.
When I glance over at Mr. Loathsome, I see someone else like me and it unnerves me. I can't help but think that he would be so much easier for her than I would be.
I'm standing there, half-listening to Cindy, the other half of my brain thinking of India and Mr. Loathsome, when Marina comes up to us.
"How are things?" she asks, her eyebrows wagging in that disgusting manner.
"Great," Cindy says, meaningfully.
Marina turns to me expectantly. I realize she wants me to wax poetic about the great time I'm having with her match for me.
"Oh, fantastic," I say, only a little too emphatically. "Of course." I give her a big smile but at that moment, the only thing I want to do is get another drink and down it as quickly as possible. "Excuse me," I say and point to the bar. "I'm going to get another drink. How about yours? Do you need a refill?"
Cindy shakes her head. "No, thanks. I'm good."
I turn to Marina, who apparently isn't going to leave. "You?"
"I'm fine as well."
I turn to the bar and exhale, my only wish that I can escape as soon as possible. First, I have to make sure that India will be following me home, because that was our deal and I intend to collect on my end.
I'm searching through the bar fridge for another beer when Marina walks over and stands beside me.
"Things are going really well tonight, I think," she says, her eyes bright.
"Oh, yeah?" I find my beer, open it, and drink down a third of it. "How so?"
"I think India really likes John. He's right up her alley. He's a veteran."
"He didn’t see any action," I say. "He wasn't deployed to a war zone."
"Whatever," Marina says. "He's rich, professional, alpha, and he's incredibly hot in the looks department. What's not to love?"
"Yeah," I say, silently fuming. "What's not to love?"
"I think she may have finally found someone who can give her what she needs."
What India needs is my cock deep inside her. That's what she needs.
Damn, woman. It's like Marina's deliberately rubbing my nose in the fact that India has met her perfect man. She's so unaware of the fact that India and I have been fucking behind the scenes, lusting after each other, but are reluctant to dive in head first because of our business relationship.
How can a matchmaker be so blind?
Chapter 13
I stand and look John over, thinking about Jon and how these two are so alike, and yet so different.
Even the name is the same, for God's sake. It's like Marina found the one man who is as close to Jon as possible just to goad me. She knows that Jon and I have been hovering around each other for several years without acting on our feelings. She totally disapproves. So she finds a Jon-clone, except with dark hair and eyes.
And far too smooth. John has all the lines down. He's extremely attentive. He's looking into my eyes purposely, watching my mouth as I talk, nodding, focused on me. I can feel his attempt to win me over. He feels so damn secure in himself, how attractive and rich and in control he is.
Usually, I'd be a bit weak-kneed at meeting someone like him. He does tick all my boxes. I like ambitious men. I like men who have a military background because it speaks to their courage – like my brother. I like men who know how to seduce me. You gotta respect that, right?
But then I glance over at Jon and see him standing with that beautiful blonde with the great body and I think how usually, he'd be going home with her, would fuck her senseless, and then probably never see her again.
That's what's keeping me from saying a full yes to Jon.
My heart starts to beat faster and at that moment, I have to leave.
"Excuse me," I say, interrupting John while he's discussing his investment business. "I'll be right back."
I leave the main living room and try to find the bathroom, because I'm feeling overwhelmed right now and need to take a few deep breaths.
I go upstairs and when I get to the door, someone grabs my arm, stopping me.
It's Jon.
"I've had enough of this bullshit," he says, pulling me close. "More than enough."
Then he kisses me, his hand slipping behind my head and pulling me up to his mouth. He devours me, his kiss so intense I'm breathless by the time it's done. He pulls away, his eyes burning into mine. "Let's leave."
"You want to leave now? We've only been here for half an hour."
"That's more than enough time to know."
I look at him. He's angry. He hates being forced to do the dating thing.
He just wants to take me home and fuck me the way he said he would.
It turns me on completely.
"But Marina…"
"Who do you want to please? Yourself or Marina?"
"She's my best friend."
"What am I?"
I don’t know what to say. "I don’t know what you are."
"I'm a man who wants you."
"That's not enough."
"Do you want me?" he asks, his hands spread out.
"Yes," I say, "but—"
"Then you got me. Let's go."
He takes my hand and pulls me to him, his arms around me, trapping me in his embrace. He kisses me and I can feel his frustration in his kiss, in the way his arms hold me tightly.
I do want him.
He wants me.
Why can't that be good enough, for God's sake?
"Fuck it," I say when he breaks the kiss. "Let's get the hell out of here before Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome comes looking for
Jon looks pleased, but he stops, and there's this look in his eyes. Teasing. "You think he's handsome?"
"It's obvious."
"More handsome than me?" he says, a grin starting. He presses me against the wall, his fingers digging into my ribs, tickling me. I squeal, then cover my mouth to stifle my laugh.
When he stops, we stand together, our faces inches away. He has his arms spread on either side of me, his body pressed possessively against mine.
"Well? Is he?"
"No," I say because it's true. Jon is not only more handsome, he's actually beautiful, in a masculine way. His face is all perfect lines and angles, his eyes large and blue with thick lashes. His dark blond hair falls in his eyes in that sexy way that I've always secretly admired. His lips are full and soft. There's just enough scruff to remind you that he's all man. He's ripped, tall, and he has that easy smile and twinkle in his eye that suggests so much.
I want him more than anything.
"So, what are you waiting for? I'm yours."
"As what?" I can't not ask the question.
"As your lover. Isn't that good enough?"
I don’t say anything for a moment. "Exclusive?"
He sighs heavily. "India, why do you need me to say yes to that? Don't you believe me when I say I want only you? I don't want Heather or Cindy or anyone Marina wants to match me with."
He pulls me against him again. "Right now, I want you. I can't promise it will be forever. Don't ask me to."
I nod, because even I know neither of us can make such a promise.
"I'm going to say goodbye to John," I say, pulling away from Jon. "I owe him that much. He was nice enough to come tonight to meet me. It would be totally rude of me to leave without saying goodbye."
Jon steps back and shakes his head slowly. He runs his hand through his hair and I know he's angry at me for not just slipping out with him. I go to the stairs, but before I go down, I turn and meet his eyes.
"You should say goodbye to your date, too. It's the adult thing to do, Jon."
He doesn't say anything, just rubs his jaw thoughtfully.